Saturday, October 4, 2014

Personal Logo

There are numerous ways that you can select the color, shape, and font, of your logo to tell your story using symbolism, psychology, and personality. You can choose warm or cool colors and hundreds of shapes, as well as fonts with various themes. My process went a lot like this: To  make my logo, I began with numerous sketches. After sketching, I went into Adobe Illustrator to create an artboard of my sketches. During our tutorial practices, I found one about making flowers. I remembered the steps of the tutorial that I had found earlier and was able to recreate it. I added reddish-pink colors and adjusted the opacity of all of the petals. I was really going for a simplistic look and I found that the flower really fit that desire. I learned how to use the direct crop tool (^) in order to make the petals pointy. I want to learn about more tools that can change the flower petal shapes in many different ways. I think I did a really good job picking out the colors of the flower and arranging them the way that I did. The only thing I would change would be the arrangement of the text on the flower. I want to make my name really pop and stand out. I need to work on picking out fonts that really fit the theme and emotion of the project that I am working on. Overall, I am really happy with how my logo turned out. It really represents me because I am simplistic, yet elegant. I love fun, bright colors, but in a sophisticated way.


  1. Well done Katelyn. Your logo comes off very sophisticated and I agree the font could use some more thought. But, that said, font aren't an easy subject and take years to master. :)

  2. Katelyn I love your logo! You did a great job expressing yourself in this logo; I like the colors and the shapes you used. The diversity of the opacity gave it a very unique and professional look to it. I agree with you and I think you should maybe have your name be the main text instead of "design". Perhaps you could just have your initials or have your first name on one side and last on the other side of the line. But I do like the text because it is sophisticated and also a little different. Overall I really think your logo is great! You did a great job with everything. :)
