Monday, December 1, 2014

Believe It or Not?

What was the intent in creating this website?

The goal in completing this project was to display the ability to create a website with multiple pages. We were also given the chance to present our creativity with the styles that we linked to our website. Other tools were also utilized. Including the date tool used in the footer and the source code to link websites. 

How did I prepare?

Before creating this project, I looked over the possible "hoaxes" to get an idea of the material that I would be working with. I then set up my styles and outline for my website. I also viewed the videos on Edmodo and looked over the PDF files explaining how to complete the project. After this, it was time to begin! While creating the project, I kept the Edmodo videos and PDF files open. This made it very helpful to finish the project in a timely manner. After completing the project and ensuring that I had included all of the necessary information in my website, I revised the styles and fonts to better fit the theme of my overall website. 

What did I learn?

Over the course of this project, I learned many valuable pieces of information. First, I learned that you can enter a date in the footer by clicking Insert>Date. You can also link another website or document to your own website by using the source code. Here is an example of one of my sources: Source: <a href=""target="_blank">Snopes – Virus Hoaxes &amp; Realities</a>. The last piece of information that I learned was how to input a picture into the side margin. You can do this using the following code: <img src="realorhoax_temporary_logo.png" alt="Logo" style="width:245px;height:215px">. 

How was this website created?

This website was made using software from the Adobe Suite known as Dreamweaver. In Dreamweaver, you are given many options regarding the type, size, and look of your website. My Hoax Website happens to be HTML 5, which is the latest form of HTML in Dreamweaver. 

How was collaboration used during this project?

For this project, there was not much that was needed to be done using collaboration. For the most part, it was done individually. Every once in a while, I would ask my classmate sitting next to me for an opinion on the styles. I managed my time and was able to complete the project on time. 

What would I do differently?

If I were to create this project again, I would make my own logo in Photoshop to give it a personal touch. I feel as though it is very important to express your personality through your creative work. I would not change the order and structure of my website because I am very pleased with the way that it is organized. It is simple and could be understood easily by a user. 

To make my next website even better, I will use the ability to place a picture in the side margin. I will also be able to create a table or "list," as it is called in the code, to link multiple HTML sites. I found a website called w3schools. It can be found using the following link: This site is very helpful with a wide range of information pertaining to web design and coding. These abilities and resources will really enhance my next website. 

I am very proud of my Hoax website because I was able to efficiently and effectively display information that may be useful for others. 

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